Where do you want to get bigger?

Stretch your body, connect to your intuition, and ground your mind. If you had all the resources you needed, what would you take action on?

Recently I had the opportunity to do just this. By trusting my intuition, giving voice to something I wanted to create, not overthinking the details, leaning on a great partner and believing in myself I initiated the circumstances for ‘getting bigger’.

Team coaching is a journey that typically takes place over several months, focusing teams on creating high value outcomes for their stakeholders. A client team was months into our work together, when we (the client team, my co-coach, and I) leaned into the opportunity for 6 people, from 2 different countries, 4 different cities, in a Covid world to all converge in one place to meet in-person for the first time (the first in-person for the client team as well!). Staying ‘big’ and thinking ‘bigger’ became crucial as we rumbled with the frequently shifting circumstances of our time together.

No internet for our slides? We can make it work.

Someone is recovering from Covid? We can adjust the time.

This Uber scooter won’t unlock? I can rent an Uber bike to get to the meeting.

The airline lost my luggage? Just kidding, that didn’t happen though I hadn’t anticipated the record breaking heat when I packed!

For those of you who caught my airport video shared in this week’s newsletter, you already know that the risk of ‘getting bigger’ (with potentially bigger failure) was rewarded with some amazing outcomes for the team-

● greater understanding of their working relationships,

● improvements in their meeting processes,

● establishing greater accountability for meeting their team goals,

● time set aside from the day to day to dream big about the team’s impact with stakeholders, and

● expanding their belief in their capabilities as a team.

Work they are excited to continue to build on in the coming months!

If you’ve read this far, something in what I’ve shared has caught your attention. So take this moment for yourself. Stretch your body, connect to your intuition, ground your mind and tune in. Ask yourself-If you had all the resources you needed, what would you take action on? Where do you want to ‘get bigger’?

By Adele Fraser, BA BED CPHR PCC IRG Associate Coach