Clear is Kind

Some things develop beautifully in the muck


I mean if we take the lotus for example, the beautiful flower begins beneath unclear and murky territory. The lotus has always been known to represent how we all have struggles in life, but if we’re persistent in our growth, we will succeed and bloom into our own magnificence. 

As the leader of my organization, I too, want everyone including myself to grow into our magnificence.  However, I was struggling through the muck of uncomfortable conversations and strong options that didn’t align with my organizational values. I was feeling stuck, uncertain and afraid that my team and I were never going to get to the “blooming” state of our development. All of this changed when one simple phrase was introduced to me at a Dare to Lead workshop back in September.

“Clear is kind, Unclear is unkind”. That’s it that one simple statement was like a lock on the floodgates of our dim waters. 

Clear is kind. I wrote it in my journal during the workshop, texted it to a couple of friends, highlighted in my book. And like a child learning a new word, repeated it (silently) to myself over and over. This new phrase meant so much more to me; those three words were like the light I was missing, the essential tool for my organization’s evolution.

Read: Why clear is kind.

I left my two-day Dare to Lead™ workshop with Diane Lloyd and asked a member of my team if she would be willing to talk about her role in the organization. When she agreed and we hopped on the call, the first thing I said to her is “Clear is Kind, and today I need to be really clear about what I am seeing with you on this team”. Opening with that statement was like starting off with bonus points at the beginning of a soccer match; I was feeling ahead already just by speaking with authenticity and clarity. I was able to share the stories I was creating about her participation and it turns out that she wasn’t feeling aligned with the organization anymore. My brave act of being a leader who speaks with kindness by speaking with clarity, allowed her to join me in the conversation that we had been putting off for far too long. 

Read: What I learned after spending 3 days with Brené Brown

Great organizations go through growth spurts, and not uncommon from our human experience, they’re not always comfortable. Growth in a company requires rewiring; sometimes this may be activated through professional development seminars, a great book and sometimes from hearing one sentence that is the catalyst for it all.


How clear have your conversations been lately?

I encourage you to reflect on how your conversations with colleagues, your partner or loved ones, and perhaps even yourself. Remember, its like going into a game already ahead on points, you can’t go wrong, when you go in clear. 

Nicole is the Associate Coach & Facilitator for Inspired Results Group and will be facilitating at the upcoming Dare to Lead™ tour - find your city to register today & learn into courageous leadership, learn how to have difficult and important conversations, and elevate how you show up on your teams and in your personal life.

Register & learn more here.

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