What does a year of courage feel like?

Every year I choose a theme for the year that will support or stretch me as I navigate the opportunities, challenges, and choices that show up in my 365-day journey.

I chose Courage Over Comfort as my theme for 2019. It was a somewhat obvious choice as I knew I would be heading into a deep learning of Brené Brown’s research and teachings, where vulnerability and courage play a key role in wholeheartedly living and leading. What I wasn’t prepared for was the level of vulnerability required to live fully into this theme of courage. 

Vulnerability is defined as an experience of “risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure”. Not the oversharing misconception that many of us believe it is. Vulnerability and courage are interconnected experiences and accessing courage this year always felt incredibly vulnerable; hence the discomfort.

Dare to Lead Diane Lloyd

Here are some of the ways that courage showed up for me this year...

Reaching Out:

Courage isn’t only big, obvious actions. My most courageous act this year showed up when I reached out to a friend when I couldn’t stop crying as my son finished his grade 12 basketball season and the emotions of the end of a chapter in our family overwhelmed me. It felt vulnerable to be emotionally exposed and reach out for help and support in that moment. What I learned is that my reaching out created the space for both of us to be vulnerable together, and support each other through a significant life transition.  

Setting Boundaries:

Courage looked like saying NO to clients that don’t bring me joy and creating boundaries around my business. This was very hard for me as a recovering “people pleaser” and what I learned is that having the courage to set boundaries gave me the energy and enthusiasm to show up more fully for the clients I am truly meant to serve. It was uncomfortable at the moment and empowering from the moment I hung up the phone. 

Getting Vulnerable:

Entering the Dare to Lead community of facilitators and spending three days with Brené was the ultimate test of vulnerability because it caused me to look deeply at my own shame and worthiness issues alongside a highly competent group of coaches and facilitators. As we worked through the curriculum together, it was clear to me that I was not alone and when we found the courage to share our insecurities with one another, we created connection and trust and deep respect for one another and the work. 

Inspired Results Group

The final months of 2019 have provided me with multiple opportunities to be vulnerable and share my own stories of struggle, worthiness and healing, in workshops and conferences. What I am learning is that sharing my stories in a room full of strangers can be terrifying and freeing at the same time. When we share our stories and they are met with empathy and compassion, the hold that these stories have on us is released, and others feel safe to share their stories too. I am so grateful for the courageous souls who shared their stories with me and trust that our mutual courage will spur others on as well. 

My year of Courage over Comfort has been the most expansive growth year of my adult life. This theme has supported me to get outside of my comfort zone, take risks and detach from the approval of others as I seek to live my purpose and ‘model the way’ with the style of leadership I want to see in the world. 

What theme do you want to embrace in 2020? 

What will support you or stretch you in new and amazing ways? 

I am still percolating on my theme word or phrase for 2020, but will let you know what I land on soon. I am calling on my intuition and I can’t wait to see what shows up to guide me in the year ahead. 

If you are looking for a transformative personal development kick start to your 2020, join me at a Dare to Lead retreat and find out just how much you are capable of! 

Find your city and dates here.

I would love to walk alongside you in 2020! 

Diane Lloyd


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