Empowering Leadership: 6 Ways To Inspire Your Team

Leadership is about inspiring others. There are 6 C’s that you can leverage to uplevel how you show up and foster a thriving workplace.

“Leadership is not a title or designation. It is about impact, influence, and inspiration.”

Robin S. Sharma

Leadership Circle Dare to Lead

Here are the 6 C’s that will change the way you lead:

  • Courage: This is all about embracing vulnerability and being seen for who you truly are. It isn’t always about doing big bold things. It can be the everyday moments where you step into conversations that make you uncomfortable, but you do it anyway.

  • Communication: Never underestimate the need for more communication. It can’t be overdone. People thrive when they feel informed, clear on expectations, aware of what is happening around them, and in tune with where the organization is headed. This simple concept is sometimes the first to get left behind when the leader’s schedule gets busy. Set intentions, book time for communication initiatives, and share what you know to avoid the pitfalls of a team feeling like they are in the dark.

  • Curiosity: This is one that I used to under-value in my leadership experience. Don’t be mistaken—it is a valuable tool. What I have learned is that curiosity keeps you open to possibilities. When your listening is based on curiosity, you are inclined to ask more questions. This will have a profound impact on the purpose you speak with. Curiosity will serve you when you notice yourself making assumptions.

  • Candor: Defined as “the ability to be open and honest in conversation”, this skill is best leveraged with high trust and connection between you and the person you are engaging with. As leaders, we need to shine the light on things that are working and not working. This is where candor fits in. Candor can be brought into performance management and team meetings. Your challenge is to find a balanced way of bringing in candor and transparency in a way that lands so that people can hear it without feeling defensive or attacked. It takes practice, openness, and humility.

  • Connection: As human beings, we crave connection. It is important to bring it into the workplace. As leaders, we need to remember that connection is important and if we can create opportunities for meaningful connections between your team, it is going to create a bonded culture that will sustain you through the challenging times.

  • Coaching: The essential definition of coaching is maximizing the personal and professional potential of people. Coaching can show up in your style of leadership and the way you support people—it can also be something you invest in for yourself. We all have both strengths to leverage and blindspots that get in the way. Coaching is a place to explore this all. Leadership can often be lonely and isolating, and having a coach creates a safe space to explore your blindspots, build on your strengths, and discover a strategy to move you forward in alignment with your goals.

Once you start integrating these skills into how you lead, notice what happens.

What shifts in the way you and your team work?

How is the culture of the team influenced when you show up as a better leader?

Build on these skills to elevate your leadership skills and create an impact. Want to dive further? To step into courageous, strong leadership?

Further, invest in your leadership and development. I encourage you to look honestly at your leadership behaviors and notice what happens when you make these important shifts.

If you want to take a deep dive, register today for my Dare to Lead™️ Workshop in your city and step into courageous leadership.

Check out the Dare to Lead workshop and register today to elevate how you lead and inspire.

Diane Lloyd

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