Walking My Talk . . . Transitioning from Coach to Leader in My Own Business!


So, this has been a year like no other, and recently I joined the ranks of those with a graduate degree; mine being focussed on my favourite topic: Leadership. In the midst of a pandemic, I decided to invest in building my #DreamTeam, which is literally a dream come true!  And, in the “summer of Covid,” I am taking 4 weeks away from client work to rest, reflect, play and plan for a new version of Inspired Results Group that is bigger than me and what I am capable of doing and delivering on my own. So, guess what . . . I am now the leader in my own business. I, keenly aware of the need to start practicing what I teach, am now showing up as the brave leader I want to be. And, it is vulnerable to do so . . . but you already knew that.  

I am grateful that I created the Courageous Leadership in Times of Change and Uncertainty Framework back in late March because I have been finding myself circling back to this framework over and over again as I question myself on where I should be focusing my energy in my leadership right now. Should I be providing CLEAR direction or creating the space for CO-CREATION?  When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed with all that life is throwing my way right now, how do I maintain a CALM mindset and practice COMPASSION for myself and the team when we are learning and making mistakes while moving really fast!  How can I stay CURIOUS instead of jumping to assumptions and how do I maintain CONNECTION with each individual while we all work remotely?  Whew—leadership is overwhelming . . . but you already knew that.  

If there is one important lesson I am learning right now, it is that leadership and teamwork is a dynamic and fluid process that needs constant nurturing and checking in if we are going to create the engagement and performance that we want from our teams and organizations. I am keenly aware of the shifts I need to make in the way I allocate my time so that I am dedicating certain blocks of time for leading, and not filling all of my time with projects or client facing work. Yes, I will be there for my clients, and I will also be there for my team.   So, now I want to ask you . . . 

  • Where will you carve out time for intentional leadership activities?  

  • What can you do next week to let your team members know how much you value them?  

  • How are you using the Courageous Leadership framework to support you in these times of change and uncertainty?  

If you haven’t signed up yet, our Courageous Leadership in Times of Change and Uncertainty FREE Micro Course is available here